Ä [14] TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS Ä Msg : #4851 [200] + 4892 From : Holger Skok 1:2613/335 Thu 05 May 94 11:23 To : (crosspost 2) All Subj : Germany Legalises Marijuana: Back to the original topic ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: skok@itwds1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (Holger Skok) Organization: ITW, Universitaet Stuttgart, FRG Hi, even though the discussion has moved away from the original subject let me give a short update on what has been decided upon be the Verfassungs- gericht: The ruling stated that the possession and consumption of small amounts of hash or mj must not be prosecuted as long as no third persons have been endangered (eg. minors). Importation of said amounts must remain free from prosecution as well. Wanting to get high from THC cannot generally be considered a crime and prosecuting perpetrators would be in violation of the "Uebermassverbot" - i.e. violate the protection from exaggerated punishment. Punishing consumption is therefore unconstitutional. One of the judges issued a votum separatum claiming that any prohibition of cannabis was unconstitutional. Important point: The court argued that worldwide experience had shown that the consumption of cannabis was in fact considerably LESS dangerous than had originally been assumed. It noted that scientists agreed for the most part that sporadic consumption did not induce addiction and cause only mild physical harm. Source: Der Spiegel, No. 18, May 2, 1994. Some other tidbits from the article: The US department of transportation had ordered a study in 1993, performed by the Rijksuniversiteit Limburg in the Netherlands concerning the effect THC has on the ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. The claim that THC has adverse effects even weeks after the consumption was proven to be wrong. The Dutch policy of not prosecuting consumers of drugs and providing methadone treatment and clean syringes and most importantly providing social services for addicts has led to a decrease in the number of people addicted to hard drugs from 25000 to 20000 "in the last years". The number of heroin- deaths has decreased as well. Not prosecuting possession also takes a large load off the judicial system: In 1993 48267 court proceedings have been started in Germany involving consumption, trading or smuggling of cannabis; 11352 kg of cannbis have been seized. In 1991 more than 60% of all court cases involving controlled substances were in fact dealing only with possession of soft drugs for personal consumption, 30% were dealing with addicted small time pushers. Only 10% of all cases were dealing with professional dealers. Some food for thought... HSK -- *********************************************************************** * skok@itwds1.energietechnik.uni-stuttgart.de * *********************************************************************** --- * Origin: COBRUS - Usenet-to-Fidonet Distribution System (1:2613/335.0)